Monday, January 14, 2008


The definition of the word missions in the dictionary is "a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work."

However, to many people, including myself, the word missions takes on a while new meaning, in that it is in this word that we find the calling for our lives.

The thing about missions, however, is that we do not have to go to another far off land to be a missionary. While that is the call of some people (including myself), it should be noted that there are just as many ways to spread the Gospel with those around you in your everyday life.

And so I think that the word missions should have a different meaning, one that is more appropriate for the lives that we as Christians should live.

I would say that the word missions should be defined as "living ones life in such a way that spreads an influence of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard of Him or have heard of Him but do not know Him."

I think that in this definition we are all able to find the motivation that it takes to to spread the Gospel to others. By living our lives in a way that reflects Christ's influence to us, we are able to better portray to others the necessity for Christ in their lives.

And that, in my opinion, is the purpose of missions, to show others their need for Christ in their lives.

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