Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Goal Worth Working For

So, as you and many other people undoubtedly know, I am planning on entering the mission field when I graduate college.

What most people don't know (including myself until earlier this year) is that there is a weight limit for missionaries of the International Mission Board. If you are over 30 on the BMI scale, then you are almost guaranteed to not be able to go.

If you know me, then you know that I am not the smallest person in the world. In fact, I am a pretty big guy. So this fact of course worried me because I was about 70 pounds over the limit.

Yeah, that is no bueno.

So at that time, I made a promise to myself, that in order for me to try to live my live for God's will, I need to get in shape.

I know, this sounds like a vain thing for God's purpose, but I know that by helping myself I will better be capable of doing good works for the kingdom of God.

So, in this sense, I guess what I am trying to say is that a goal that is made in God is a goal worth working for. Anything that you can achieve that helps spread the glory of God around the world is something that you are attempting to achieve that will in the long run put the glory and honor where it is meant to go.

By achieving things and finding goals that are for God, you honor God, and to honor God is to praise God, and to praise God is what we should be doing with our lives.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Yes, I know, jewelry is not exactly the most exciting thing to be talking about. But stay with me, because I think that this will be a good thing when it is done.

What I am talking about is seemingly commonplace sight of a cross necklace dangling around the necks of people walking down the street. Now while this may not be a bad thing, what I am afraid of is that the symbol of the death and resurrection of our Lord may become a cliche symbol of pop culture, much like the W.W.J.D. bracelet or worse, the "Jesus is my Homeboy" t-shirt.

What I fear is that this prevalence of the cross will weaken its value and image as a religious symbol and instead make it something that people think is only a piece of jewelry.

So, while I write this, I will acknowledge that I am wearing a cross necklace around my neck right now, as I have done and will continue to do in the future.

However, I should say that while I do wear a cross, I do not see it as simply a piece of jewelry. For me the cross that I wear symbolizes a public demonstration of my faith. The cross that I wear also makes me remember that I am a follower of Christ, and that I should live my live in such a way that demonstrates the love and beauty of Christ.

In other words, I use the cross that is around my neck in such a way that it helps me to show others the faith that I possess. And from showing people my faith, I am then able to better demonstrate the meaning of my faith.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sometimes we have to deal with disappointment. It is just a fact of life. We may have something that we want and then somehow we become disappointed.

I know disappointment. I have felt it all throughout my life in more ways that I would like to remember.

The important thing that we all need to learn to do is to be able to separate our feeling of disappointment from our true knowledge of inspiration and joy.

It is best told in Psalm 121, where the writer of the psalm praised God, saying

I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper;
the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all evil;
He will keep your life.
The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in
from this time forth and forevermore.

Isn't that awesome? This psalm tells us that no matter what, God will be with he. Though me may suffer from time to time, we know that God will not let us stumble, He will not fall asleep on us.

The thing to remember in this case is that God will never leave us. Not only does my help come from God, but my strength and my joy comes from Him as well.

And that is all I need to know to be comforted.

Monday, January 14, 2008


The definition of the word missions in the dictionary is "a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work."

However, to many people, including myself, the word missions takes on a while new meaning, in that it is in this word that we find the calling for our lives.

The thing about missions, however, is that we do not have to go to another far off land to be a missionary. While that is the call of some people (including myself), it should be noted that there are just as many ways to spread the Gospel with those around you in your everyday life.

And so I think that the word missions should have a different meaning, one that is more appropriate for the lives that we as Christians should live.

I would say that the word missions should be defined as "living ones life in such a way that spreads an influence of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard of Him or have heard of Him but do not know Him."

I think that in this definition we are all able to find the motivation that it takes to to spread the Gospel to others. By living our lives in a way that reflects Christ's influence to us, we are able to better portray to others the necessity for Christ in their lives.

And that, in my opinion, is the purpose of missions, to show others their need for Christ in their lives.

Friday, January 11, 2008


So, I, like many of my friends, are currently stuck in that perpetual time of monetary lacking that is known as college, which isn't all that bad of a problem for most.

However, in my case, it means that I need to be especially careful when it comes to expenses and how I use my money. The reason behind that is that I am planning on going on three major international missions trips in the coming year; one to Argentina, one to Honduras, and one to Malaysia.

So, that is where the prioritizing comes into play. I know that I could say, "eh, I will worry about paying for them later, I need to live in the now." However, I know that if I truly want to serve God and His purpose, I need to sacrifice the things that I want and realize that I need to buckle down and cut back.

Like it says in Matthew, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

In other words, we should not dedicate our lives exclusively to improving our status here on the earth. We should look at what we can do with what we have to better God's kingdom.

In my case, that means not buying that cd, not going out for dinner every week, not buying that new shirt, but instead saving my resources and putting them towards the kingdom of God.

I know that while it seems daunting to put away our wants and instead trust for the reward in the future, but if we truly have a faith in our Lord, then we know that, in the words of a great lyricist, "We live in but a shadow of the real."

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Definition of Myself in Sports

Just to let whoever is reading this know, this post is not exactly in line with all the other things that I have posted.

I was thinking about the defining/major moments of my life so far, and many of the moments that I can remember are tied into sporting events. I know, it is kind of cheesy, but it is true.

The first thing that I should say is that I have been a sports fan for many years. In fact, the first sporting event that I attended was when I was three days old. My first professional baseball game came when I was three weeks old.

So basically, I was meant to be a sports fan.

The first true sports memory that I have a memory of in terms of a big event occurred when I was 7, and that was the baseball strike. I didn't understand what it was at the time, but I knew something was going on.

Probably the biggest moments that I remember are the big wins, the championships, what everyone loves.

The sporting event that I felt left me with the most satisfaction was the 2006 Stanley Cup Final. I had up to that point been a die hard Carolina Hurricanes fan for years, and to see Rod Brind'amour lift the Cup over his head in Raleigh was a moment of joy and contentment in that it was as if my investment in the team was paid back.

The only other moment that I can remember that came even close would be the 2006 Carolina win over Dook University, mainly because this was the first time I was able to rush Franklin Street.

So, sports are very important in my life.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Hero Worship

Yes, I know, not a very specific title, but I feel like that is the only way that I can describe what I am attempting to talk about in this.

There are sometimes when I feel that the life that I want is swirling around me, being lived by those who I am with and that I only wish to attain some of what they have.

One example is a friend of mine who in a previous life was a full time missionary in Southeast Asia. I look up to him, I admire him, I want to have his influence reflect in my life.

However I need to make sure that I am making this my own path and not copying my friend through some form of hero worship.

Hero worship, that term has an interesting meaning to it. It means to admire people so much that we in turn try to make our lives out to be like theirs.

So, I think about this, and with that I have to know what the appropriate things to try to be are. For example, it is ok for me to worship Jesus and God and to try to make my life more like them, but at the same time it is wrong for me to worship the lives of my friends in such a way that I make their lives the ideal with I try to copy.

Am I making sense?

I know in this it sounds like I am saying the obvious, but I must say that to some people it is not that obvious to them.

In the past I would have been one of these people. I would look at others and wish to attain all that they had, all that they were, all that they did.

However, I should say that I feel that I have slowly but surely been changing this.

While I know that it is wrong for me to wish to attain the lives of others, I know that at the same time it is ok for me to view the lives of others and to see how I can model my life in a way that is appropriate.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The New Year...

Time to go out on a limb and do the toughest thing ever, which is to decide the direction for my life in the coming 363 days.

1) Work my butt off to make money to pay for missions trips.

2) Spread the word of God through missions trips made possible by making said money.

3) Get into some better form of fitness level.

The first two are requirements of the the other two, and the last two are as well. In order to better serve God through the Great Commission, I need money. And further, in order to better serve God, I know that I must get into better shape.

And that is what I am going to try to do this year, and I know that if I truly try and truly put my mind and full efforts into these things, I will be able to fully achieve these goals.

There it is, short and sweet.