Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Goal Worth Working For

So, as you and many other people undoubtedly know, I am planning on entering the mission field when I graduate college.

What most people don't know (including myself until earlier this year) is that there is a weight limit for missionaries of the International Mission Board. If you are over 30 on the BMI scale, then you are almost guaranteed to not be able to go.

If you know me, then you know that I am not the smallest person in the world. In fact, I am a pretty big guy. So this fact of course worried me because I was about 70 pounds over the limit.

Yeah, that is no bueno.

So at that time, I made a promise to myself, that in order for me to try to live my live for God's will, I need to get in shape.

I know, this sounds like a vain thing for God's purpose, but I know that by helping myself I will better be capable of doing good works for the kingdom of God.

So, in this sense, I guess what I am trying to say is that a goal that is made in God is a goal worth working for. Anything that you can achieve that helps spread the glory of God around the world is something that you are attempting to achieve that will in the long run put the glory and honor where it is meant to go.

By achieving things and finding goals that are for God, you honor God, and to honor God is to praise God, and to praise God is what we should be doing with our lives.

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