Thursday, December 27, 2007


Have you ever had the feeling that the opinion of a person that you had cherished in the past has come to disappoint you in the present?

I came to realize that today when one of the leaders at my home church expressed his opinions to me on what to do when I graduated. In a discussion, I told him what I felt and then he responded by telling me to "look at all my options."

Now I am open to looking at all the options, and I know that I need to look at everything that is available to me, but I knew that in the way that he was telling me things that he was expresses his theological beliefs as well as through the expression of these beliefs the in my opinion rejection of my opinions.

This really disappointed me for I had for years looked to this person as a spiritual leader, but in this discussion I realized that his beliefs in theology were opposed to mine and that I would need to heed what he told me with that fact in mine.

I am not trying to make myself sound as if I am against differing opinions, but I know that in situations such as this I cannot let the beliefs of another compromise what it is that I know and hold true.

One of the things that I try to do is surround myself with people who have like opinions with myself, specifically when it comes to theological beliefs.

These beliefs are quiet possible the most important beliefs to have for it is theological beliefs that shape us as Christians. It is in these theological beliefs that we find our identity as Christians.

So to have someone in a way question or go against these ideals, especially when I know that this person is a fellow Christian is disconcerting.

I have had to defend my beliefs to non-Christians before and I am at least comfortable when it comes to this, but to have to listen to someone who is a fellow believer go against my beliefs was a new experience.

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