Wednesday, December 12, 2007


By far one of the greatest things that has helped me change my life this past year has been my fellowship that I have had with three guys who have all helped me in different ways.

Two ministers and one good friend whom I trust with so much.

I know that it is important for me to be able to express how I feel to another for it is this inability that has hindered my spiritual and emotional growth.

Take today for example.

I had the opportunity to go to a friends birthday party, which I would have loved to do. However, I know that had I gone to this party, then I would have done things that I would have regretted in the long run.

In years gone by, I would have not thought twice about going out, getting drunk, and potentially making a fool of myself. Also, this would have ruined the ministry that I have attempted to build between me and my friends.

However, instead of doing this, I instead made a decision to do something different.

While it is true that I could have gone to the party, not had anything to drink and instead just hung out, I don't think that putting myself in a situation to be tempted by alcohol would be constructive.

So instead I went and played football with a group of guys from the ministry that I attend.

And it was amazing.

This type of decision is what I mean when I say that I have grown spiritually and emotionally through fellowship with these three guys. I know that by being able to open up about who I am then they are able to help me see the error of my ways and attempt to change the direction that my life is going.

As one of my fellowship partners told me, "In order to change our lives out of sin then we need to acknowledge that we are in sin."

It is through fellowship that I feel that I am better able to recognize my sin and through that I am able to attempt to change my life out of sin.

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