Thursday, December 13, 2007

Counting Blessings

So how many times have you ever sat down and thought of all the ways that the Lord has blessed you, that you have been vindicated and pulled out of death through the death of Jesus?

Honestly, think about it. I for one know that I don't do that nearly enough.

I don't sit and think about the blessing that I have in my education, that this will enable me to do things that billions of other people in the world are unable to even imagine.

I don't sit and think about the blessing that I have in the house that I live in, the fact that at the end of the day I have a place that is warm where I am able to lay my head and be at peace.

I don't sit and think about the blessing that I have in the family that I have that loves and supports me and will love and support me through all of my days.

I don't sit and think about the blessing that I have in the people that I surround myself with everyday, the friends and companions of mine in whom I can confide and know that they will not let me down.

I don't sit and think about the blessing that I have in salvation, the fact that God loved me and this world so much that He sent his one and only Son to come upon the Earth and die.

Think about that - He sent his Son to DIE, not to live, but to DIE! While Jesus did rise again, the only way for Him to be resurrected was for Him to make the ultimate sacrifice and die a death so horrible that I don't wish it on anyone.

This is a blessing above all other blessings.

And I know that in my everyday life, I don't dwell on this nearly enough. I know that if I truly did, I would have a greater appreciation of what it means to be claimed by grace, to know that I have a place in Heaven through the blood of Christ.

How could I possibly live up to that blessing?

Two simple words: I can't.

I know that I can never live in such a way as to fully repay my debt to God, all I can do is live my life in such a way to bring Him glory. And I know that through that, I will find my blessings and count them in every way that I can.

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