Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So here is the deal. Ever had THAT teacher?

You know, the one who is ridiculously easy, allows for input on everything, doesn't really seem to care about grading, even misses a few classes?

Yeah, I have one of those right now, and it is both a blessing and a curse.

First of all, I love it because it enables me to pretty much not worry about what will be going on in that class.

However, I hate it because I am not learning anything, which completely defeats the purpose of taking the class.

As with most things, I am about to turn this into a greater lesson for me, in terms of both faith and life.

For me, this idea of a "good teacher" and a "bad teacher" grows further out than just simply a Spanish class or a sermon. It stems from the fact that a teacher should allow for the examination of one's self, which leads to not only gaining knowledge but also the ability to grow personally as a result of the gaining of knowledge.

I hold my teachers, be they Communication professors or Bible Study instructors, to a standard that if I am only gaining knowledge, then I am not truly learning. Like I said, it is the ability for me to grow personally as a result of the knowledge gained that makes me denote a teacher as good or bad.

I know, I have high standards, but if I didn't have high standards I would be at North Carolina State University.

Holding my teachers to this standard is vital to me as it forces me to realize that I have only had a handful of truly "good" teachers. And, on the flipside, I have had plenty of bad ones.

While I have, as I said above, one bad teacher right now, I am very thankful that at the same time I also have two very good teachers. One of the teachers may not be the best for my gaining of knowledge, but I have achieved much personal growth in his class. The other teacher has helped me to gain much spiritual growth.

Ah teachers, they sure are great.

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