Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reflections on Argentina

So, I know it has been a long time since I actually posted anything, but the reason for that is that the only thing that I would feel confident on posting about is my Argentina mission trip. And the reason for this delay is that I wanted to take time to effectively work through the thoughts that I had about this trip in order to better articulate my thoughts about this trip.

So, one night I sat down and for over an hour I just sat and typed about what happened on the trip. Over the next three days, I plan on posting this writing in three chunks. The first day is about what I feel that God taught me while on this trip. The second day will be about the actual events of the trip, such as where we were and what we did while out there. Lastly, the third day will be about a particular experience that I had that was very moving for me and will in the long run help shape me as I go out to share the word of the Lord.

So, that said, I hope you enjoy reading this look into my trip. Please feel free to leave feedback or if you have questions about the trip, shoot me an email or ask a question in the comments area. So, here goes.

Reflections on Argentina: Day 1

As to my trip to Argentina, it was truly amazing to see how God can work and is at work all around the world. One of the things that I have found here in the States is that we try almost to put a limit on the power of God in that we try to say "Okay God you can work in this area of my life but I think I've got it everywhere else" or we think that some of our problems are too big to be lifted up to God.

It kind of ties into the question of "can God make a rock to big for Him to move" in that we are trying to see just how far God can go. But the thing is that God can go as far as He sees fit, for while we may not understand exactly what it is that is taking place here on Earth and while what God has happens may not make sense to us, we shouldn't look at those opportunities as puzzling but instead realize that our world is controlled by God, who is at the same time both all-knowing and all-loving and that in the end it is His will be done, not ours.

While I know that what I just typed above may not seem like it has anything to do with my trip to Argentina, in reality for me it does because that is one of the things that God taught me and showed me on this trip as well as the beauty of the Gospel as it is seen in other cultural settings. Let me encourage you (I know you have probably already done this but still) to go out and experience worship in another cultural setting.

For me, to go and praise God in another culture and to realize that my prayers are being heard the same way here as they are in North Carolina, to sing songs of praise and raise my hands up and know that God is just as present here as He is in my church in Durham, it is truly moving because it jolts your system into recognizing the awesome vastness that is God.

1 comment:

ILYS said...

We try to take control too often!