Tuesday, October 30, 2007



For a man made construct, there never seems to be enough of it. Especially while in college.

If you don't know what I am talking about, then you wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain to you. Lets just say that right now I am very stressed out because there is never enough time for me to get what I need done done.

But that is the beauty of knowing that I am not alone in this journey of college and life. I know that for while I am stressing about school, there are thousands of other students at the same university who are just as stressed.

And I know that even though it feels like I am having to do all this by myself, I know that God is walking with me at all times.

Isn't that an awesome feeling, knowing that you are not alone no matter how it is you feel. Knowing that there is always someone there for you to rely on.

I know I take solace in that fact, for I don't think I would know what to do if I thought there was not a greater power, be it God or not, to live my life for.

So in that sense, I am truly a bumper sticker saying..."Stressed but Blessed."

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