Monday, March 10, 2008

God's Providence

I continue to be amazed at the providence that can be found in God's presence. Even in times when you are more stressed out than imaginable, God provides.

This was displayed to me today especially, when we attempted to undertake a craft that was much more complicated that we had first imagined. The plan was to take pictures of the children that we were working with and have them build frames to put the pictures in.

Everything was running smoothly while myself and another girl took the pictures, and even making the frames went off without a hitch. It was returning the pictures and the frames to the kids that was the nightmare.

The first couple of kids can in and out without a hitch, but it was when the kids cam in and we couldn't find their pictures or their frames that the stress levels started to climb. Seeing these kids, we WE had PROMISED a framed picture, walk away with heads down or worse in tears was absolutely heart wrenching.

But this was where God came through (as He always does) and worked His magic. It was through his help that we were able to find a pack of pictures that we had forgotten about and were able to better match frames and pictures with children.

Another beautiful thing about this day occurred earlier when a friend of mine and I went out into the barrio to go door to door and share the Gospel with the people. Here, through our broken Spanish and the help of a translator, we were able to share the love of the Gospel with the people.

I could see God's providence and good grace at work here as it pertained to me exclusively (I think), because I have never truly had any evangelism experience in the past, so needless to say I was rather stressed.

But through this feeling of apprehension, I feel that the best in me came out. I was able to actively interact with the people (through translator of course, with some Spanish from me) as well as share my story of faith to demonstrate the love of God. I loved it.

It was through these stressful situations that God worked His best. He saw it fit that we should be effective, and as a result it was so.

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